Katy Jackson never imagined that she would one day become the owner of Spinale and Company Hair Design on Humphrey Street when she started as an intern more than 25 years ago. However earlier this year, owners Lisa and Dan Spinale gifted the reins of their organization to someone they refer to as a daughter.
Jackson was a senior at Lynn Technical School when she began her internship. She said her passion for the field of hairdressing began when she was in middle school.
“When I started I was just sweeping the floors, doing laundry, and shampooing heads. Then I worked my way up,” Jackson said.
Jackson reciprocated the Spinales’ kind words, saying that they act as “second parents” to her as well.
“I’ve learned everything from them… hair-cutting, coloring. You learn all that stuff as you’re in the business, you don’t just learn it at school,” Jackson said.
She added that they have been incredibly helpful in the ownership transition as well, as both Lisa and Dan Spinale still spend a sizable amount of time at the salon.

According to Lisa Spinale, Jackson is the only member of her graduating class that still works at the business she got her first internship with.
“Because of her loyalty and faithfulness, we only thought it was right to give her the salon versus trying to sell it to a stranger,” Lisa Spinale said. “She’s a wonderful person.”
Dan Spinale said he has taken pride in witnessing Jackson mature throughout her career, as he and his wife even attended Jackson’s wedding.
Jackson says the salon’s loyal Swampscott customer base is as strong as ever, and that when she sees clients who first came at a young age now bringing their children, she is reminded of how long she has been a part of the business.
“We have clients in Salem, Lynn, Danvers, Peabody. They come from all over,” Jackson said.
As the new owner, Jackson said her priority is to maintain and build on the salon’s legacy.
“Everything is going to stay the same,” Jackson said. “Keep it in our family.”